
NC4 is comprised of municipal and civic leaders across Massachusetts Congressional District 3 working on the frontlines of climate change resistance, resilience, and adaptation.

We see first-hand climate change’s impacts to the health and well-being of our communities, to our natural and built environment and are taking action to address them.

Our Mission

The mission of The North Central Climate Change Collaborative (NC4) is to foster and strengthen regional municipal collaborative efforts to combat climate change through 1) shared projects, educational efforts, and best practices, and 2) informing state and federal legislative actions.

Our Member Communities

NC4 works within the 3rd Congressional District. To connect with representatives from your community, click here.

Where we connect, collaborate and influence

The Action We’re Taking

NC4 members are taking on climate change at both the local and regional level, and are working collaboratively in support of climate change related legislation. Click here for more details on our work.

Join NC4

Municipalities and civic groups interested in joining NC4 can learn more